Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 6: John Day, OR to Baker City OR - 81 miles, Climb 3,446'

Today we had 3 summits above 5100' during the first 50 miles of the ride but had them all behind us by 11:00. Had a great lunch under the Ponderosa Pines. Saw many hawks, sandhill cranes, osprey, and vultures. The downhills were excellent! Tom and I were done riding by 1:45. Baker City is back down in the desert but has much more to than John Day. (Dog pictured was in the back of a pick-up at one of our rest stops.)

Roadkills: 59
Flats: 0 (Love those Specialized armadillos)
Hurts: Minor muscle soreness to be expected after over 450 miles and 25,000' of climbing

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