Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 24: Wall, SD to Pierre, SD - 117 miles with 3,000' of climbing

On today's ride we burned a lot of calories. We had one section of about 20 miles into a 25 mph headwind. With my bike in it's lowest gear I was barely able to reach 8 mph at times. The blast of air from oncoming semi-trucks was like getting hit in the face with a sofa cushion. Grasshoppers hit us from all angles and crunched under our tires along the entire 117 mile ride. The amber waves of grain were hypnotic yet beautiful (see video). Republican ranchers showed their view of Obama. I arrived in Pierre at 2:55 having entered the central time zone.

Roadkill count: 198
Flats: 1
Hurts: Most likey a few sore muscles by morning.

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